Saturday, August 20, 2005

i hate sunsets

i hate sunsets. for me, they are the saddest thing ever. every demise of the sun seems a parallel demise of my soul, waning of the light into an unknown darkness. it is that time of day that i find myself blind. the light that ought to have hit my eyes and bring colors around me are consumed by the imminent nothingness... i turn on my headlight, but there is nothing in front of me. but the sunset.

every sunrise is a different day apart from the one that the sunset has ended. i can never take back that day. i grow older with each sunset. and yesterday is nothing more than a memory. a memory lodged in one of my brain cells that will die and never pass on that memory to another brain cell. it is gone forever by the coming of the next sunrise.

i hate sunsets. it paints a perfect picture of life. but it never assesses how the day had been, nor how tomorrow might be. it heralds the night. and i am alone again.

i hate sunsets, particularly now, when i know you're somewhere beyond that fiery sea. your sun is just about to rise, mine is about to sleep. i want to be that sun, setting here, but rising to where you are.

i hate sunsets. now it's kissing your cheeks. and i can't.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's your opinion.I respect that.But for me, I really love sunset.Why? Because it's so romantic...I'll tell you more, when it's time.

jet descallar said...

i hope the time to tell me more is near... ;) let me know who you are and i'll thank you properly. :)